How could I check DLR Reports?
You are provided DLR report for each & every mobile number submitted on our SMS gateway account provided to you by our team through proper channel.…
What is OPT Messages?
OPT Messages are transactional SMS only with high priority for submission & delivery. Customers will use transactional route only for sending OTP messages.…
What is Transactional SMS gateway?
Transactional SMS gateways allows to send only Notifications & Alerts to opt-in customers / members / parents / Students etc.…
What Is Promotional SMS gateway?
Promo SMS gateway allows us to send SMS campaign to only non-DND mobile numbers only. In case of sending Promo SMS to DND mobile number must attract penalty imposed by TRAI & has to be paid by the person or company who has sent SMS campaign. …
What should I have to do for activation of multiple Sender Names?
Our SMS Gateways allows approval of multiple sender ID / Sender Names with single / Reseller user account. Customer needs not to create separate user account for separate senders if all senders are belonging to same customer.…
How can I add New Sender ID?
Existing customer can request Sender either from their account or can send request for new sender ID approval by our support / admin email ID.…